Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Q:Kursus yang anda pilih ialah sains social.. tetapi keputusan anda agak cemerlang terutama dalam sains subjek, mengapa tak mahu pilih kursus sains

A: Kerana saya sangat meminati bidang social .. dan saya suka berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.. dan saya sangat suka akan bahasa…


Q: tetapi sains subjek anda masih sangat bagus wo?

A: kerana di sekolah saya, pengetua sekolah mengehadkan bahawa semua pelajar yang mempunyai keputusan yang cemerlang akan terus masuk ke kelas sains. Tak boleh tukar ke kelas sastera..


Q: tapi anda cakap anda tak suka sains, tapi semua sains subjek anda dapat A1 wo..

A: dipaksa oleh pengetua punya.. kalau keputusan tak bagus , akan dimarah de..

Q: apakah cita cita anda ?

A: saya ingin menjadi seorang kaunselor , atau pakar bahasa.. saya suka bercakap dengan orang lain..

Q: apakah minat anda ?

A: saya suka menyanyi, menari, berlakon dan bercakap dengan orang lain .. saya iakah seorang yang akan mati kalau tidak bercakap dalam masa yang lama.. saya juga suka mendengar masalah kawan saya, saya mempraktikan kaedah pendengaran yang aktif !!



In this economic crisis, we shud nt offer the jpa scholarship.. wats ur opinion ?

A: I tink we shud remains the jpa scholarship to the student, n nt to reduce it.. nowadays, most of the country has a better technology than our country, den we shud sent our student there can bring back there knowledge n contribute to our own country(我的英文很差的,请不要见怪)our student can learn their knowledge n contribute to our own country so tat our county can more competitive with others country in all de field.. den our contry can develop more faster den others country in the economic crisis now.. And then till now, our country dun even have a nobel prize holder if compare to others country.. so we can sent the students to overseas and learn as much de things there n den doing more research .. n finally hope tat our country can hv a nobel prize holder in future..

Q: In the economic crisis, den how u provide such many money to offer to our students to go overseas?

A: erm.. government can make some education plan or agreement with the others country so that the fees can be lower down (我也不知我在说什么,其实)

Q: a lot student after finish their study they dun wan come bec to Malaysia ? give ur opinion..

A: we can makesure the students sign a form or a agreement before offer the scholarship to them so tat they must come bec our country to serve our country after they finish their study…. Like borang akujanji ..(不知道有没有这样的东西的)

Q: for u , when u finish ur study, u offer a job at there with salary 5000 n a job in Malaysia with salary 3000, which 1 u will choose ?

A:(我给了个听起来很假的答案)I will come back to Malaysia.. cos im born in in Malaysia.. once im a Malaysian, my whole life is belong to Malaysia (好像按住良心讲的)



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